Since 1971, Lilac Services for the Blind, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has been helping people in the Inland Northwest who have low vision or are blind maintain or resume control of their lives. Our services and support are a gateway to freedom and independence for more than 800 individuals each year. Our purpose is to provide the training, adaptive devices, and encouragement needed to enable people to reach their potential level of independence. Our experienced Rehabilitation Instructors, Orientation & Mobility Specialists, other specialists, and staff continually update our training, knowledge and services in order to meet the needs of our blind and low-vision clients.
Our primary service, the Independent Living Program, provides personalized training, adaptive devices, and support, which includes instruction in alternative techniques in home management, activities of daily living, communication methods, and more. Both in-office and in-home training are available.
Other important services include the low-vision department, where we provide low-vision assessments and adaptive-aid demonstrations; our extensive Braille transcription services and Braille lending library; and our Assistive Technology Computer Laboratory, where participants learn how to use adaptive software and products. Lilac Blind also hosts support groups in our offices and at other venues, as well as periodic personal-adjustment workshops. In addition, we provide information and referral services within the community.
More important than our services, however, is that Lilac Services for the Blind teaches a new attitude about blindness and partial vision. We believe that vision loss is a characteristic, not an overwhelming burden. Given the opportunity, proper training, and support, people with blindness or low vision can be contributing members of society and lead satisfying lives.
Participant Demographics
Lilac Blind’s training, adaptive devices, and support for assistance in living safely and independently with vision loss are available to anyone requesting our services. We do not discriminate. A majority of our participants subsist on low incomes, live in rural areas, and have multiple impairments. Eighty-seven percent of the individuals being served in the Independent Living program are over 55 years of age.
Geographic Service Area
Lilac Services for the Blind is the sole agency providing specialized skills training for blind and low-vision individuals within our service area that includes 13 counties. Our in-home training is provided for people in these counties: Adams, Asotin, Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens and Whitman.

Lilac Services for the Blind's 14-County Service Area (in Yellow)
Lilac Services for the Blind processes referrals with more than 100 agencies throughout our 13-county service area. By providing and receiving referrals from physicians, eye-care professionals, Lions Clubs, senior centers, retirement centers, visiting nurses, family members, caregivers, and other agencies, we have made partnerships that prove valuable to our blind and low-vision clients.